Saturday, February 14, 2009

Storm Large - "Rid of Me" Movie

The latest acting project that Storm Large is involved in is a role in director James Westby's film "Rid of Me". In an interview with indieWIRE, Westby describes the film as "an ultra low-budget black comedy ... about a very sad woman who really hates her husband’s friends." According to casting director Lana Veenker, the film also stars Katie O'Grady as the lead character Meris, Theresa Russell as Mrs. Lockwood - the mother of Storm's character, and Art Alexakis - Everclear frontman.

UPDATE Feb 15, 2009:
Storm blogs about her character in the movie.
"It's a dark comedy about a woman losing everything to a pack of khaki wrapped ex jocks and their Mary Kay wives... and my character . I'm a former cheerleader , home coming queen , twiffy BITCH FACE with super rich cunty parents and a fat mansion . And though in real-life , I'm almost technically a cougar ( or rather... a cou-GRRRRR) I'm supposed to be the juicy hot straw that breaks the lead character .... nay , shatters the little thing ."

Trailer 1: RID OF ME is a THRILLER.

RID OF ME trailer 2: RID OF ME is a COMEDY.

UPDATE Aug 31, 2009: Did James Westby Just Kill Storm Large?

UPDATE Aug 31, 2009: Rid Of Me set photos.


Anonymous said...

oh look! just like magic, it is now "Comedy". I guess marketing it as a thriller wasnt working, since it was being totally trashed?

whatthewhat said...

I think that the different trailers are just a teaser to the real trailer. The movie is supposed to be a "black comedy" so the comedy trailer is not out of line. The "Comedy" trailer was also planned to be released after the "Thriller" trailer if you look at the video description on youtube for the Thriller trailer. The 3rd trailer is going to be a "Theatrical" trailer.